Ujian Teori Photoshop CS4 Kelas 8

Jawablah Soal Essay ini dengan benar di kolom komentar!

  1. Secara default, Photoshop CS4 menampilkan 4 Palette yaitu :………….
  2. Untuk membuka dan menampilkan file gambar di dalam Photoshop CS4 dapat dilakukan dari menu “ File, Open” atau dengan perintah di tombol Keyboard …………………
  3. Sebelum melakukan proses Editing gambar dengan PhotoShop, gambar yang telah ditampikan dapat di duplikat terlebih dahulu dengan perintah menu …………….
  4. Setiap menyimpan “Photo Shop CS 4” kedalam Hardisk atau Disket, Program “Photo Shop CS” secara automatis akan menambahkan ektension/jenis file ……………
  5. Untuk mengubah besar-kecilnya ukuran gambar, dapat dilakukan dari menu ……………
  6. Perubahan besar-kecilnya gambar pada menu “Image Size” dapat dilakukan dengan merubah menu pada ………….
  7. Pada menu “Image Size”, untuk mengatur besar/kecilnya gambar dengan perbandingan yang sama antara nilai pada Width dan Height, maka tanda  þ  (Checklist)   harus diaktifkan pada menu …….
  8. Pada PhotoShop, Ukuran gambar atau Teks yang telah diletakkan pada layer tertentu dapat dirubah ukurannya, dengan terlebih dahulu mengaktifkan menu Free Transform mengunakan tombol……..
  9. Pada PhotoShop, untuk mengedit/merubah bagian tertentu pada gambar, terlebih dahulu dilakukan seleksi/select pada bagian gambar tersebut, menggunakan salah satu dari 3 pilihan toolbar, yaitu:……..
  10. Untuk membuat duplikat(cloning) pada sebagian area gambar ketempat area yang lain digunakan toolbar……………….

Selamat Mengerjakan, dan Jangan Lupa menuliskan nama lengkap dan no absen di kolom komentar!





Teacher, Trainer, Writer, Motivator, Blogger, Fotografer, Father, Pembicara Seminar, Simposium, Workshop PTK dan TIK, Edupreneurship, Pendidikan Karakter Bangsa, Konsultan manajemen pendidikan, serta Praktisi ICT. Sering diundang di berbagai Seminar, Simposium, dan Workshop sebagai Pembicara/Narasumber di tingkat Nasional. Dirinya telah berkeliling hampir penjuru nusantara, karena menulis. Semua perjalanan itu ia selalu tuliskan di http://kompasiana.com/wijayalabs. Omjay bersedia membantu para guru dalam Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI) online, dan beberapa Karya Tulis Ilmiah Omjay selalu masuk final di tingkat Nasional, dan berbagai prestasi telah diraihnya. Untuk melihat foto kegiatannya dapat dilihat dan dibaca di blog http://wijayalabs.wordpress.com Hubungi via SMS : 0815 915 5515/081285134145 atau kirimkan email ke wijayalabs@gmail.com atau klik hubungi omjay yg disediakan dalam blog ini, bila anda membutuhkan omjay sebagai pembicara atau Narasumber.

107 thoughts on “Ujian Teori Photoshop CS4 Kelas 8

  1. Jawaban:
    1.Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, layer palette
    2.Ctrl + O
    3.Image, Duplicate
    4..PSD, PDD
    5.Image, Image size
    6.Pada kotak isian Widht dan Height
    7.Constrain Proportion
    8.Ctrl + T
    9.Lasso tool , quick selection, & magic wand tool serta Marquee Tool
    10.Clone Stamp tool

  2. 1. Color, Character, Glyph, dan Layer Palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image+Duplicate
    4. .PSD , .PDD
    5. Image > Image Size
    6. pada kotak isian Widh dan Height
    7. Constrain Propotion
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Lasso Tool, Quick Selection dan Magic Wand Tool, Merquee Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  3. M. adjie pratama 19 8c

    1.character palette, color palette, layer palette, glyph palette

    2. crtl+O

    3. image, duplicate

    4.PDD, PSD

    5.image, image size

    6.widht dan height

    7. constain proportion

    8. ctrl+T

    9. quick selection, lasso tool, marquee tool, magic wand tool

    10. clone stamp tool

  4. 1.Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, layer palette
    3.Image dan Duplicate
    4.PSD dan PDD
    5.Image,Image Size
    7.Constrain Proportion
    8.Ctrl + T
    9.Lasso tool , quick selection, dan magic wand tool serta Marquee Tool
    10.Clone Stamp tool

  5. Diya Tabina Joebhaar 8c

    1. color palette, character palette, glyph palette, layer pallete

    2. ctrl+o

    3. image-duplicate

    4. PSD, JPEG

    5. image-image size

    6. kotak isisan widht and height

    7. constrain proportion

    8. ctrl-t

    9. marquee tool, lasso tool, magic wand tool

    10. clone stamp tool

  6. 1. Color Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palettte, Character Palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image, Duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. Image, Image Size
    6. Width dan Height
    7. Constrain Proportions
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Marquee Tool, Lasso Tool, Quick Selection Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  7. Sekarayu R -35- 8C

    1. color palette, character palette, glyph palette, layer pallete
    2. ctrl+o
    3. image,duplicate
    4. PDD,PSD
    5. image, image size
    6. Widht and height
    7. constrain proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Lasso tool , quick selection, & magic wand tool serta Marquee Tool
    10. clone stamp tool

  8. 1.Character Palette, Layer Palette, Glyph palette, dan Color Palette

    2.Klik Ctrl+O

    3.Klik Image dan pilih Duplicate

    4.PDD dan PSD

    5.Klik image dan pilih Image Size

    6.Widht dan Height

    7.Constrain Proportion

    8. Ctrl+T

    9.Klik Quick Sselection, klik lasso tool, klik marquee tool, dan klik magic wand tool

    10. Clone stamp tool

  9. agung prilaksana m. 8c

    1. layer palette, color palette, glyph palette, character palette
    2. ctrl + o
    3. image duplicate
    4. psd, pdd
    5. image image size
    6. widht dan height
    7. constrain proportions
    8. ctrl + t
    9. lasso tool, marque tool, quick selection tool
    10. clone stamp tool

  10. 1. Color Palette, Glyph Palette, Lauer Palette, Character Palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image, Duplicate
    4. PSD,PDD
    5. Image, Image Size
    6. Widht & Height
    7. Constrain Proportions
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Quick Selectio Tool, Marquee Tool, Lasso Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  11. 1. Color Palette, Character Palatte, Glyph palette, Layer Palette

    2. Ctrl + O

    3. Image> Duplicate

    4. PDD, PSD, JPEG

    5. Image> Image Size

    6. Melalui Width dan height

    7. Constrain Proportion

    8. Ctrl + T (Edit> Free Transform)

    9. Marquee Tool, Magic Wand Tool, Lasso Tool

    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  12. 1. Layer Palette, Glyph Palette, Color Palette, Character Palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image, Duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. Image, Image Size
    6. Kotak isian Widht and Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Quick Selection, Lasso Tool, Magic Wand Tool, Marquee Tool
    10. Clone Stamp

  13. Hanan Dhiya Firnisa - 8C - 11

    1. Glyph palette, character palette, color palette, layer pallete
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image, duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. Image, image size
    6. Kotak isian width dan height
    7. Constrain proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Magic wand tool, marquee tool, lasso tool, quick selection
    10 Clone stamp tool

  14. 1. color palette, character palette, glyph palette, layer palette
    2. ctrl+o
    3. image, duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. image, image size
    6. width and height
    7. constrain proportion
    8. ctrl+t
    9. quick selection, lasso tool & magic wand tool
    10. clone stamp tool

  15. 1.Layer pallete, color palette, character pallete, glyph palette
    4.PSD, PDD, JPEG
    5.Image-image size
    6.Kotak isian weidht and height
    7.Constrain proportion
    9.Lasso tool, magic wand tool, marquee tool
    10.Clone stamp tool

  16. 1.Color palette, gluph palette, layer pallete, character palette.
    2. CTRL+O
    3. Image, Duplicate
    4. PDD,PSD
    5. Image, Image Size
    6. Widht & Height
    7. Constrain propotion
    8. CTRL+T
    9. Lasso tool, Magic Wand tool, Marquee tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  17. 1.Color Palette, Character Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palette
    3.Image, Duplicate
    4..PDD, PSD
    5.Image, Image Size
    6. Width dan Height
    7.Constrain Proportion
    9.Lasso Tool, Quick Selection, & Magic Wand Tool, Marquee Tool
    10.Clone Stamp Tool

  18. Djalu Amudra 8F

    1.Character Palette, Layer Palette, Glyph palette, dan Color Palette
    2. CTRL+O
    3. Image-duplicate
    4..PDD, PSD
    5. Image, image size
    6. Widht & Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Lasso Tool, Quick Selection, & Magic Wand Tool, Marquee Tool
    10. Clone stamp tool

  19. 1) Color Palette, Character Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palette
    2) Ctrl+O
    3) Image, Duplicate
    4) PDD, PSD
    5) Image, Image size
    6) Width dan Height
    7) Constrain proportion
    8) Ctrl+T
    9) Lasso tool, Quick selection, & Magic wand tool, Marquee tool
    10)Clone stamp Tool

  20. 1. Color palette, character palette, glyph palette, layer palette
    2. Ctrl + o
    3. Image, duplicate
    4. PDD, PSD
    5. Image, image size
    6. Width and height
    7. Constrain proportion
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Magic wand tool, marquee tool, lasso tool, quick selection
    10. Clone stamp tool

  21. 1.Color palette, character palette, glyph palettelayer palette
    2.Ctrl + O
    3.Image, duplicate
    4.PDD, PSD
    5.Image, image size
    6.Width & height
    7.Constrain proportion
    8.Ctrl + T
    9.Lasso tool, merque tool,quick selection tool
    10.Clone stamp tool.

  22. 1. Character Palette, Layer Palette, Color Paletter, dan Glyph Palette.
    2. CTRL+O
    3. Image, Duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. Image, Image Size
    6. Kotak Width dan Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. CTRL+T
    9. Lasso Tool, Marquee Tool, Quick Selection, Magic Wand Tool
    10.Clone Stamp Tool

  23. gabriel hidayat (11) 8F

    1.Color palette, character palette, glyph palette, layer palette
    2.Ctrl + O
    3.Image, duplicate
    4.PDD, PSD
    5.Image, image size
    6.Width & height
    7.Constrain proportion
    8.Ctrl + T
    9.Lasso tool, merque tool,quick selection tool
    10.clone stamp tool.

  24. Jawaban:
    1. Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, layer palette
    2. Ctrl + O
    3. Image, Duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. Image, Image size
    6. Pada kotak isian Widht dan Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Lasso tool , quick selection, & magic wand tool serta Marquee Tool
    10. Clone Stamp tool

  25. Ikhsan - 8F(21)

    1. Color Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palettte dan Character Palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image, pilih Duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD dan JPEG
    5. Image, pilih Image Size
    6. Width dan Height
    7. Constrain Proportions
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Marquee Tool, Magic Wand Tool, Lasso Tool dan Quick Selection Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  26. arvin 8f

    1.character palette, color palette, layer palette, glyph palette

    2. crtl+O

    3. image, duplicate

    4.PDD, PSD

    5.image, image size

    6.widht dan height

    7. constain proportion

    8. ctrl+T

    9. quick selection, lasso tool, marquee tool, magic wand tool

    10.Clone Stamp Tool

  27. 1. Character, Glyph, Color, dan Layer Pallete
    2. CTRL+O
    3. Image; Duplicate
    4. PDD, PSD
    5. Image; Image Size
    6. Width / Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Lasso Tool, Quick Selection, dan Marquee Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  28. Ikhsan - 8F(21)

    1. Color Palette, Character Palette, Glyph Palette dan Layer Palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image, pilih Duplicate
    4. PDD, PSD dan JPEG
    5. Image, pilih Image Size
    6. Width dan Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Marquee Tool, Magic Wand Tool, Lasso Tool dan Quick Selection Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  29. 1. Color Palette, Character Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Klik Image > Duplicate
    4. .psd dan .pdd
    5. Klik Image > Image Size
    6. Width dan Height
    7. Constrain Proportions
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Marquee Tool, Magic Wand Tool, Lasso Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  30. Anwar Bari Ibrahim 8f Absen 5

    – Glyph Palette,Color Palette,Layer Palette,Character Palette
    – Ctrl & O
    – Image,Duplicate
    – Psd,Pdd
    – Image -> image size
    – Pada kotak isian widht dan height
    – Constrain proportion
    – Ctrl & T
    – Lasso Tool , Quick Selection , magic wand tool , Dan Marquee tool
    – Clone Stamp Tool

  31. Poppy Putri Permata (24) 8c

    1. Color Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palette, Character Palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image, Duplicate
    4. PDD, PSD, JPEG
    5. Image, Image Size
    6. Width & Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Lasso Tool, Magic Wand Tool, Quick Selection, Dan Marquee Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  32. I Gede Indra Widyana(8C)

    2.Ctrl + O
    3.Image, Duplicate
    4..PSD, PDD
    5.Image, Image size
    7.Constrain Proportion
    8.Ctrl + T
    9.Marquee Tool,magic wand,Lasso,quick selection,
    10.Clone Stamp tool

  33. 1. Color pallete, character pallete, glyph palette, layer pallete
    2. CTRL+O
    3. Image, duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. Image, image size
    6. Kotak isian width dan height
    7. Constrain proportion
    8. CTRL+T
    9. Lasso tool, Marquee tool, Magic wand tool
    10. Clone stamp tool

  34. 1.Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, layer palette
    2.Ctrl + O
    3.Image, Duplicate
    4..PSD, PDD
    5.Image, Image size
    6.Pada kotak isian Widht dan Height
    7.Constrain Proportion
    8.Ctrl + T
    9.Lasso tool , quick selection, & magic wand tool serta Marquee Tool
    10.Clone Stamp tool

  35. 1.Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, layer palette
    2.Ctrl + O
    3.Image, Duplicate
    4..PSD, PDD
    5.Image, Image size
    6.Pada kotak isian Widht dan Height
    7.Constrain Proportion
    8.Ctrl + T
    9.Lasso tool , quick selection, & magic wand tool serta Marquee Tool
    10.Clone Stamp too

  36. 1. Color palette, Character Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palette
    2. Ctrl + O
    3. Image, Duplicate
    4. PSD dan PDD
    5. Image, Image Size
    6. Kotak isian Width dan Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Lasso Tool, quick selection, Magic Wand Tool serta Marquee Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  37. AuraPuspaning Ratri (10) 8e!

    1. Color pallete, character pallete, glyph pallete, layer pallete
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image, duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. Image, image size
    6. Kotak isian width dan height
    7. Constrain proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Lasso tool, magic wand tool, quick selection, dan marquee tool
    10. Clone stamp tool

  38. 1. Color palette, character palette, Glyph palette, layer palette
    2. Ctrl + O
    3. Image, Duplicate
    4. .PSD, PDD
    5. Image, Image size
    6. Pada kotak isian widht dan Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Lasso tool, quick selection, & magic wand tool serta Marquee tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  39. 1. Color , character, glyph, layer pallet
    2. Ctrl + O
    3. Image – duplicate
    4. PSD
    5. Image – image size
    6. Kotak isian width dan height
    7. Constrain proportion
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Marquee tool, magic wand tool, lasso tool
    10. Clone tamp tool

  40. Ramadhana Fajar T (8E/35)

    1. color palette, character palette, glyph palette, later palette

    2. Ctrl+O

    3. image > Duplicate

    4. PSD dan PDD

    5. image > image size

    6. kotak isian width dan height

    7. constrain proportion

    8. Ctrl + T

    9. Lasso tool, quick selection, magic wand tool, dan marquee tool

    10. clone stamp tool

  41. 1. Color Palette, Character Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Klik Image > Duplicate
    4. .psd .pdd
    5. Klik Image > Image Size
    6. Width dan Height
    7. Constrain Proportions
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Marquee Tool, Magic Wand Tool, Lasso Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  42. 1. Color palette, character palette, glyph palette, layer palette.
    2. Ctrl +O.
    3. Image-duplicate.
    4. PSD, PDD, JPEG.
    5. Image- image size.
    6. Width dan Height.
    7. Constrain Proportion.
    8. Ctrl +T.
    9. Lasso Tool, Magic Wand Tool, marquee tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  43. 1.Color, Character, Glyph, layer pallet.
    2.Ctrl + O
    3. Image – duplicate
    4.PDD dan PSD
    5.Image – Image Size
    6.Pada kotak isian width dan height.
    7.Contrain Proportion
    8.CTRL + T
    9.Matquee tool, Magic wand tool, lasso tool
    10. Clone Stamp tool.

  44. Erik Agra 8E 14

    1. Color palette, character palette, glyph palette, dan later palette
    2. Ctrl+o
    3. Image lalu duplicate
    4. PSD,PDD
    5. Image lalu image size
    6. Pada kotak isian width dan height
    7. Constrain proportion
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Lasso tool, magic wand, wuick selection dan marquee tool
    10. Clone stamp tool

  45. 1. Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, Layer palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image, Duplicate
    4. PSD / PDD
    5. Image, Image size
    6. Kotak Width dan Heigt
    7. Constrain proportions
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Lasso tool, quick selection tool, Magic Wand, Marquee tool.
    10. Clone stamp tool

  46. 1. Color, Character, Glyph, dan Layer Palette
    2. Ctrl + O
    3. Image > Duplicate
    4. .PSD
    5. Image > Image Size
    6. Kotak isian width dan height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Quick Selection, Lasso Tool, Magic Wand Tool dan Marquee Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  47. 1.Color palette
    Character palette
    Glyph palette
    layer palette

    2.Ctrl + O

    3.Image, Duplicate.

    4..PSD, PDD.

    5.Image, Image size.

    6.Pada kotak isian Widht dan Height.

    7.Constrain Proportion.

    8.Ctrl + T.

    9.Lasso tool , quick selection & magic wand tool serta Marquee Tool.

    10.Clone Stamp tool.

  48. 1.character palette, color palette, layer palette, glyph palette
    2.Ctrl + O
    3. image, duplicate
    4.PSD dan PDD
    5.Image,Image Size
    7. constrain proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Marquee Tool, Lasso Tool, Quick Selection Tool
    10. Clone stamp tool

  49. 1. Color Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palette, Character Palette
    2. CTRL + O
    3. Image > Duplicate
    4. PSD
    5. Image > Image Size
    6. Width dan Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. CTRL + T
    9. Lasso Tool, Magic Wand Tool, dan Marquee Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  50. 1. Color palette,Character Palette,Glyph Palette,Layer Palette
    2. ctrl + o
    3. Image> Duplicate
    4. PSD dan PDD
    5. Image> Image Size
    6. Kotak isian height dan weight
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. ctrl + t
    9. Lasso Tool,quick selection,Magic Wand Tool,dan Marquee Tool
    10. clone stamp tool

  51. 1. Character Palette, Color Palette, Glyph Palette, dan Layer Palette.
    2. Ctrl+O.
    3. Image -> Duplicate.
    4. JPEG/sesuai dengan format gambar yang asli, selama belum ada penambahan layer.
    5. Image -> Image Size.
    6. Pixel Dimensions dan Document Size.
    7. Constrain Proportions.
    8. Ctrl+T.
    9. (Rectangular,Ellipctical,dll) Marquee Tool, (Polygonal,Magnetic,dll) Lasso Tool, dan Quick Selection-Magic Wand Tool.
    10. Clone Stamp Tool.

  52. 1. Color Palette , Character Palette , Glyph Palette , Layer Palette .
    2. CTRL + O .
    3. Image , Duplicate .
    4. PSD dan PDD .
    5. Image , Image Size .
    6. Width and height .
    7. Constain Proportion .
    8. CTRL + T .
    9. Lasso Tool , Quick Selection Tool , Marquee Tool , Magic Wand Tool .
    10. Clone Stamp Tool .

  53. muhammad farhan 8e26

    1.Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, layer palette
    5.Image,Image size
    6.kotak Widht dan Height
    7.Constrain Proportion
    9.Lasso tool, quick selection, dan magic wand tool serta Marquee Tool
    10.Clone Stamp tool

  54. 1. Color Palette, Character Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image>Duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. Image>Image Size
    6. Width dan Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Quick Selection, Lasso Tool, Marquee Tool, dan Magic Wand Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  55. 1. Color Palette, Character Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palette
    2. Ctrl + O
    3. Image – Duplicate
    4. PSD & PDD
    5. Image – Image Size
    6. Width & Height
    7. Constrain Proportions
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Marquee Tool, Lasso Tool & Magic Wand Tool-Quick Selection Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  56. 1. color palette, glyph palette, character palette, dan layer palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image, Duplicate
    4. PDD dan PSD
    5. Image, Image size
    6. Kotak isian width dan height
    7. Costrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Magic Wand Tool, Lasso Tool, Marque Tool, dan Quick selection
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  57. 1.Color,character,layer,glyph palette
    3.Image Dupilcate
    4.PSD, PDD
    5.Image Size
    6.Width dan height
    7.Constrain proportions
    9.Selection Tool,lasso tool,marquee tool,magic wand
    10.Clone Stamp tool

  58. 1. color palette, character palatte, glyph palette, layer palette
    2. ctrl+o
    3. image-duplicate
    4. psd dan pdd
    5. image-image size
    6. kotak isian width dan weight
    7. constrain proportion
    8. ctrl+t
    9.magic wand tool, lasso tool, marquee tool.
    10. clone stamp tool

  59. 1. Color palette, glyph palette, character palette, &layer palette
    2. Ctrl + O
    3. Image, duplicate
    4. PDD & PSD
    5. Image, image size
    6. Width & height
    7. Costrain proportion
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Marquee tool, quick selection,lasso tool, magic wand tool
    10. Clone stamp tool

  60. Aliya Aisyah

    1.Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, layer palette
    2.Ctrl + O
    3.Image, Duplicate
    4..PSD, PDD
    5.Image, Image size
    6.Pada kotak isian Widht dan Height
    7.Constrain Proportion
    8.Ctrl + T
    9.Lasso tool , quick selection, & magic wand tool serta Marquee Tool
    10.Clone Stamp tool

  61. 1.Color Palette,character palette,layer palette,glyph palette
    4.PSD dan PDD
    5.Image>Image Size
    6.Widht and High
    7.Constrain proportion
    9.Marquee tool,Quick Selection,Lasso tool,Magic Wand tool
    10.Clone Stamp tool

  62. 1. Color Palette, Character Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palatte
    2. Ctrl + O
    3. Image> Duplicate
    4. PSD dan PDD
    5. Image> Image Size
    6. Width dan Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Marquee Tool, Lasso Tool, Magic Wand Tool, Quick Selection Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  63. 1. Color, Layer, Glyph, Character palette
    2. Ctrl + O
    3. Image > Duplicate
    4. .psd & .pdd
    5. Image > Image Size
    6. Width & Height
    7. Constrain Proportions
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Marquee tool, Lasso tool, Magic Wand tool & Quick Selection tool
    10. Clone Stamp tool.

  64. 1. color palette, character palette, glyph palette & layer palette
    2. Ctrl+o
    3. Image > duplicate
    4. .psd ; .pdd
    5. Image > image size
    6. Width & height
    7. Constrain proportions
    8. Ctrl+t
    9. Lasso tool (lasso, polygonal&magnetic), marquee tool (rectangular, elliptical, single row & single column), quick selection, dan magic wand tool
    10. Clone stamp tool

  65. 1. Color Palette, Character Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palette
    2. Ctrl + O
    3. Image> Duplicate
    4. PSD dan PDD
    5. Image> Image Size
    6. Width dan Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Marquee Tool, Lasso Tool, Magic Wand Tool, Quick Selection Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  66. 1. Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, layer palette
    5.image,image size
    6. kotak width & height
    7.constrain propotion
    9.magic wand,marquee tool,lasso tool,quick selection tool
    10.clone stamp tool & clone source

  67. 1. : Actions palette. Navigator palette. Info palette. Histogram palette.
    5.Image>Image Size
    7.Width dan Height
    8.Constrain Proportions
    10.Polygonal Lasso Tool, Magic Wand Tool, Eliptical marquee Tool
    11.Clone Stamp

    1. Color, Character, Glyph, dan Layer Palette
    2. Ctrl+o
    3. Image Dan Duplicate
    4. PDD dan PSD
    5. Image -> Image Size
    6. Di kotak isian Width dan Height
    7. Menu Costrain Proportion
    8. CTRL + T
    9. Lasso Tool, Quick Selection dan Magic Wand Tool, Merquee Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  69. 1. Colour Palette, Navigator Palette, Layer Palette, Glyph Palette
    2. CTRL + O
    3. Image > Duplicate.
    4. .psd & .pdd
    5. Image > Image Size / Alt + CRTL + I
    6. Kotak Isian Width and Length
    7. Checklist pada Constrain Proportions.
    8. CTRL + T
    9. Marquee Tool, Quick Selection, Lasso Tool & Magic Wand Tool.
    10. Clone Stamp Tool.

  70. 1.Colour Palette, Navigator Palette, Layer Palette, Glyph Palette
    2.Ctrl + O
    3.Image > Duplicate
    4..psd & .pdd
    5.Image > Image Size atau Alt + Ctrl + I
    6.Kotak Isian Width & Height
    7.Ceklist pada Constrain Proportions
    8.Ctrl + T
    9.Marquee tool, Quick Selection, Lasso Tool & Magic Wand Tool
    10.Clone Stamp Tool

  71. 1. Color Palette,character palette,layer palette,glyph palette
    2. CTRL + O
    3. image > duplicate
    4. PDD, PSD
    5. Image > image size
    6. kotak isian width & height
    7. constrain proportion
    8. CTRL + T
    9. Marquee tool,Quick Selection,Lasso tool,Magic Wand tool
    10.clone stamp tool

    1. C olor, character, glyph, layer palette
    2. Ctrl-o
    3. Image, duplicate, ok
    4. Psd, pdd
    5. Image, image size
    6. Width dan height
    7. Constrain proportions
    8. Ctrl-t
    9. Marquee, quick selection, lasso, magic wand tool
    10. Cloning stamp tool

  73. axel reyhan gerardy ( 6)

    1. Color palette, character palette, glyph palette, layer palette
    2. Ctrl + o
    3. Image – duplicate – beri nama untuk foto duplikat – ok
    4. PSD ,PDD
    5. image – image size
    6. width , height
    7. constrain proportions
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Quick selection tool, lasso tool, marquee tool
    10. Clone stamp tool

  74. Fadhillah Reinauldhi 8b-13

    1. Color Palette, Character Palette, Gylph Palette, Layer Palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image>Duplicate
    4. PSD dan PSD
    5. Image->Image Size
    6. Width, Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Lasso Tool, Quick Selection, magic wand tool serta marquee tool
    10. Clone stamp tool

  75. 1. Color palette, character palette, glyph palette, layer palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image>Duplicate
    4. .PSD dan .PDD
    5. Image>image size
    6. Width and Heigth
    7. Constrain Proportions
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Lasso tool, marquee tool, quick selection tool
    10. Clone Stamp tool

  76. 1. Color palette, character palette, glyph palette, layer palette.
    2. CTRL + o
    3. Image – Duplicate – beri nama file duplikat – ok.
    4. PSD.
    5. Image – Image size.
    6. Width, height
    7. Constrain proportions.
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Quick selection tool, Lasso tool, Marquee tool.
    10. Clone stamp tool.

  77. 1.character palette,color palette,glyph palette,,layer palette
    5.image>image size
    6.menggunakan kotak isian width,height
    7.constrain proportion
    8.menekan ctrl+t
    9.marque tool,quick se4lection,lasso tool,wand tool
    10.clone stamp tool

  78. Dewi Nandini I. 8B (10)

    1. Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, dan Layer palette
    2. Ctrl+ O
    3. Image – Duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. Image – Image size atau tekan Alt+Ctrl+I
    6. Pada kotak isian Width dan Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Marquee Tool, Lasso Tool, Magic Wand Tool, dan Quick Selection Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  79. 1. Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, layer palette 2. Ctrl+O
    3. Klik Image lalu pilih Duplicate
    4. .PSD , .PDD
    5. Image ~> Image Size
    6. Terdapat pada kotak isian Widh dan Height
    7. Constrain Propotion
    8. Ctrl + T
    9. Lasso Tool, Quick Selection , Magic Wand Tool, Merquee Tool 10. Clone Stamp Tool

  80. 1. Colour Palette, Character Palette, Layer Palette, Glyph Palette
    2. Ctrl + O
    3. Image > Duplicate
    4. *.jpg
    5. Image > Image Size atau dapat menekan tombol Alt+Ctrl+I dari keyboard
    6. Pixel Dimension atau Document Size
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Lasso Tool, Polygonal Lasso Tool, Magnetic Lasso Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  81. 1)Layers, Navigator, Color, History
    2)Ctrl + O
    3)Image – Duplicate – beri nama – Ok
    5)Image – Image Size
    6)Width, Height
    7)Constrain Proportions
    8)Ctrl + T
    9)Lasso Tool, Merquee Tool. Quick Selection Tool dan Magic Wand Tool
    10)Clone Stamp Tool

  82. 1. Color palette, character palette, glyph palette, layer palette
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image – Duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. image – image size
    6. width, height
    7. Constrain proportions
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Rectangular Marquee Tool, Lasso Tool, Quick Selection Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  83. 1. Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, Layer palette
    2. File-Open atau Ctrl+O
    3. Image – Duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. Image – Image Size atau Alt+Ctrl+I
    6. Width and Height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Marquee tool, Lasso tool, Magic wand tool, Quick selection tool
    10. Clone stamp tool, Pattern stamp tool

  84. 1. color palette, character palette, glyph palette, layer palette

    2. CTRL + O
    3. image – duplicate – OK
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. image – image size
    6. width, height
    7. constrain propotion
    8. CTRL + T
    9. lasso tool, marquee tool, magic wand tool, quick selection tool
    10. clone stamp tool

  85. 1. Color Pallete, Layer Pallete, Glyph Pallete, Character Pallete
    3.Image -> Duplicate -> OK
    4.PSD, PDD
    5.Image -> Image Size
    6.Width dan Height
    7.Constrain Proportions
    8.CTRL +T
    9.Lasso Tool, Marquee tool, Magic Wand tool
    10.Clone Stamp Tool

  86. 1.Color palette, Character palette, Layer palette, Glyph palette
    4.PSD, PDD
    5.Image>Image Size
    6.Pada kotak width dan height
    7.Constrain Proportions
    9.Rectangular Marquee, Lasso Tool, Quick Selection
    10.Clone Stamp Tool

  87. Jawaban soal Ujian Teori Photoshop kelas 8

    1. Color palette, character palette, layer palette, adjustment palette

    2. Ctrl+O

    3. Image-Duplicate

    4. PSD, PDD, JPG

    5. Image-Image size

    6. Image size dan pixel dimension

    7. Scale styles, constrain proportions

    8. Ctrl T

    9. Lasso tool, quicq selection, magic wand, marquee

    10. Tool clone stamp

  88. 1. Color, Character, Glyph, dan Layer Palette

    2. Ctrl+O

    3. Image+Duplicate

    4. .PSD , .PDD

    5. Image > Image Size

    6. pada kotak isian Widh dan Height

    7. Constrain Propotion

    8. Ctrl + T

    9. Lasso Tool, Quick Selection dan Magic Wand Tool, Merquee Tool

    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  89. 1. Colour Palette, Character Palette, Layer Palette, Glyph Palette
    2. Ctrl + O
    3. Image > Duplicate
    4. *.jpg
    5. Image > Image Size atau dapat menekan tombol Alt+Ctrl+I dari keyboard
    6. Pixel Dimension atau Document Size
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. Ctrl+T
    9. Lasso Tool, Polygonal Lasso Tool, Magnetic Lasso Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  90. Jawaban Soal Teori Kelas 8D

    1. Color Pallate, character, layer, adjustment pallete
    2.CTRL + O
    3. Image – Duplicate
    4. PSD,PDD,JPG
    5. Image-Image Size
    6. Image Size, Pixel DImension
    7. Scales style, Constrain Proportions
    8. CTRL + T
    9. Lasso tool, quick selection, magic wand, marquee
    10. tool clone stamp

  91. 1.Color palette, layer palette, glyph palette, character palette
    3.Klik image -> duplicate
    4.JPEG, PDD, PSD
    5.Image -> Image Size
    6.Widht dan Height
    7.Constrain Proportions
    9.Quick Selection Tool, Magic Wand Tool, Lasso Tool, Marque Tool
    10.Clone Stamp Tool

  92. 1.Color Palette, Character Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palette
    3.Image, Duplicate
    4..PDD, PSD
    5.Image, Image Size
    6. Width dan Height
    7.Constrain Proportion
    9.Lasso Tool, Quick Selection, & Magic Wand Tool, Marquee Tool
    10.Clone Stamp Tool

  93. Rizka Anindita NUgraheni - 8D (34)

    1. Character Palette, Layer Palette, Color Palette, Glyph Palette

    2. ctrl + o

    3. Image, Duplicate

    4. PSD, PDD

    5. Image, Image Size

    6. Width dan Height

    7. Constrain Proportion

    8. ctrl + t

    9. Lasso Tool, Marquee Tool, Quick Selection, Magic Wand Tool

    10.Clone Stamp Tool

  94. 1. Color Palette, Character Palette, Glyph Palette, & Layer Pallete
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image > duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. Image > image size
    6. Widht & Height
    7. Constrain Proportions
    8. Ctrl+t
    9. Marquee tool, lasso tool, magic wand tool
    10. Clone stamp tool

  95. 1.Color,character,layer,glyph palette
    3.Image Dupilcate
    4.PSD, PDD
    5.Image Size
    6.Width dan height
    7.Constrain proportions
    9.Selection Tool,lasso tool,marquee tool,magic wand
    10.Clone Stamp tool

  96. 1. Color Palette, Character Palette, Glyph Palette, dan Layer Pallete.
    2. CTRL+O
    3. image -> duplicate
    4. PSD serta PDD
    5. image -> image size
    6. Pada kotak isian widht dan height
    7. Constrain Proportion
    8. CTRL+T
    9. Marquee Tool, Lasso Tool, dan Magic Wand Tool
    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  97. 1) Color, Character, Glyph dan Layer Palette.
    2) Ctrl+O
    3) Image+Duplicate
    4) .PSD , .PDD
    5) Image > Image Size
    6) pada kotak isian Widh dan Height
    7) Constrain Propotion
    8) Ctrl + T
    9) Lasso Tool, Quick Selection dan Magic Wand Tool, Merquee Tool

    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  98. axel reyhan gerardy ( 6)

    1. Colour Palette, Navigator Palette, Layer Palette, Glyph Palette

    2. CTRL + O

    3. Image > Duplicate

    4. .psd dan .pdd

    5. Image > Image Size / Alt + CRTL + I

    6. Kotak Isian Width and Length

    7. Checklist pada Constrain Proportions

    8. CTRL + T

    9. Marquee Tool, Quick Selection, Lasso Tool & Magic Wand Tool

    10. Clone Stamp Tool

  99. 1.Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, layer palette
    2.Ctrl + O
    3.Image, Duplicate
    4..PSD, PDD
    5.Image, Image size
    6.Pada kotak isian Widht dan Height
    7.Constrain Proportion
    8.Ctrl + T
    9.Lasso tool , quick selection, & magic wand tool serta Marquee Tool
    10.Clone Stamp tool

  100. Kamilita Musono 8D / 18

    1) Color Palette, Character Palette, Glyph Palette, Layer Palette
    2) Ctrl+O
    3) Image, Duplicate
    4) PDD , PSD
    5) Image, Image Size
    6) Width & Height
    7) Constrain Proportions
    8) Ctrl+T
    9) Lasso Tool, Quick Selection, & Magic Wand Tool, Marquee Tool
    10)Clone Stamp Tool

  101. JAWABAN:
    1. Mini Bridge, History, Character, Paragraph
    2. Ctrl+O
    3. Image > Duplicate
    4. PSD, PDD
    5. Image > Image Size
    6. Pixel Dimension atau Document Size
    7. Constain Proportion
    8. Edit > Free Transform , atau Ctrl+T
    9. Lasso Tool, Magic Wand Tool, Quick Mask Mode
    10.Clone Stamp Tool

  102. hadiutama 8a

    sorry pak telat ngumpulin

    1.Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, layer palette
    2.Ctrl + O
    3.Image, Duplicate
    4..PSD, PDD
    5.Image, Image size
    6.Pada kotak isian Widht dan Height
    7.Constrain Proportion
    8.Ctrl + T
    9.Lasso tool , quick selection, & magic wand tool serta Marquee Tool
    10.Clone Stamp tool

  103. Jawaban:
    1.Color palette, Character palette, Glyph palette, layer palette
    2.Ctrl + O
    3.Image, Duplicate
    4..PSD, PDD
    5.Image, Image size
    6.Pada kotak isian Widht dan Height
    7.Constrain Proportion
    8.Ctrl + T
    9.Lasso tool , quick selection, & magic wand tool serta Marquee Tool
    10.Clone Stamp tool

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